Future of Food Safety – Talks from Creme Global
Cronan McNamara, CEO, Creme GlobalAI and Predictive Modelling in the Food Industry.What Can It Do for You?IAFP 2021, Wednesday, 28 April 2021 Brendan Ring, Commercial
Cronan McNamara, CEO, Creme GlobalAI and Predictive Modelling in the Food Industry.What Can It Do for You?IAFP 2021, Wednesday, 28 April 2021 Brendan Ring, Commercial
Gustavo Reyes, food safety manager for Western Growers, recently invited Creme Global’s head of data science, William O’Sullivan, and Claire Zoellner, Director of Data Science for iFoodDS to discuss how organizations can better use their data.
The evolution of novel data processing technologies is fast paced and the volume of data being generated is growing by the second. The food industry
Gain critical business intelligence
from shared, anonymized data.