Exposure assessment
in food packaging

Is our children’s health affected by the packaging their food comes in?

This case study describes how Creme software was used to carry out an exposure assessment of two food packaging chemicals and the impact of their migration to food on children’s consumption levels and overall safety.


Find out how Trinity College Dublin worked with Creme Global to build a novel method of exposure assessment to evaluate consumer food safety in packaging.


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"Creme was beneficial to the work on this project in that it is very efficient and it allows you to handle a larger workload more quickly. If, for example, PC based tools were used this would have increased the compute time for each assessment from minutes to hours costing the project more in both time and money. Furthermore, the results generate with PC based tools would not have provided the level of detail of results that Creme did. This meant that using Creme facilitated ease of understanding of the results and of how the results were generated.”
Dr. Edel Duffy
Senior Dietitian, Trinity College Dublin

We work with the largest food, cosmetic and chemical brands in the world and also with main industry regulators in both the US and Europe.

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