Providing quantitative information on the habits and practices of consumers in the European Union

This study brings up to date data on daily quantities of use of seven typical cosmetic products against relevant body weights.


These exposure data were generated using probabilistic analysis to provide pertinent and powerful prediction for the European population.

These new data reflect the up-to-date habits and practices of cosmetic use in Europe and will provide a valuable base for conducting both sensitisation and systemic risk assessments for cosmetic ingredients.

Providing quantitative information on habits and practices of consumers in the European Union - Cosmetics Europe

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european consumer habbits exposure cosmetics europe
"It was a pleasure working with Creme Ltd. on the COLIPA study “EU Consumer Exposure to Cosmetic Products”; the Colipa project team truly appreciated the high level of knowledge and professionalism demonstrated by the Creme team throughout this project”
Project Team on Consumer Exposure to Cosmetics Cosmetics Europe

This study was carried out by Creme Ltd. under the sponsorship of the European Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association (Colipa) and at the request of the European Commission’s Scientific Committee for Consumer Products (SCCP), with the aim to update the Committee’s
current “Notes of guidance for the testing of cosmetic ingredients and their safety evaluation”.


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Creme Global are world leaders in the application of data and digital technologies to the cosmetic industries.

We work with the largest food, cosmetic and chemical brands in the world and also with main industry regulators in both the US and Europe.

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