As part of the PROTECT Education and Outreach program, two of the Creme team visited two schools in Laxmipuram village, in the Andhra Pradesh State in India.
Part of the program is to raise social awareness on climate change in school children.
Gopi Talari and Rhea Sanjiv Chhaya of the Data team worked with one primary school (3rd grade to 7th grade) and one secondary school (8th to 10th grade).
“We conducted a drawing and essay writing competition on the topic of “Causes of climate change and its impact on the environment”. The children were extremely engaged.”
Gopi, Data Science Researcher at Creme Global
The kids wrote very well during the essay competition and produced amazing drawings. Three of the best were selected and awarded prizes. Gopi and Rhea awarded them their certificates along with the school’s headmaster and district education officer.
The visits even got picked up by the local paper.