Creme RIFM
Aggregate exposure model

The Creme RIFM Aggregate exposure model provides a detailed aggregate systemic and dermal exposure assessment system for fragrance compounds.


The Creme RIFM Aggregate exposure model has data to assess exposure for consumers across Europe and the USA. Some of the benefits to companies using the model are:

  • Avoiding over-estimation of exposure
  • The model replaces earlier overly conservative and unrealistic methods for estimating aggregate exposure
  • Providing a solid scientific basis for IFRA limits for systemic effects
  • More accurate and realistic evaluation of fragrance ingredient exposure
  • No longer a need to assume that a fragrance ingredient is used in every consumer product at the maximum concentration level
  • No longer a need to assume that every consumer uses every single product type every day
  • Product usage data now based on real habits and practice information
  • Reduction in the need for clinical toxicity testing and studies
  • Delivers significant resource and budget savings as these tests are time consuming and expensive
  • Satisfying the European Commission’s request for information on aggregate exposure when assessing dermal sensitisation
  • Satisfying the USA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Reform legislation that specifically asks for aggregate exposure of a chemical ingredient
  • Providing a unified approach to Chemical Safety Assessments under REACH

Based on real
consumer habit data

The Creme RIFM Aggregate exposure model includes detailed usage data for over 36,000 consumers representing the European and US populations. This robust population sample allows the generation of accurate and realistic exposure results. The database contains detailed usage information on many products such as body lotions, deodorants, toothpaste, lipstick, perfumes, shower gels etc.

Download the RIFM casestudy

Aggregate exposure model for fragrance materials - RIFM

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We work with the largest food, cosmetic and chemical brands in the world and also with main industry regulators in both the US and Europe.


We would love to hear from you.

Our team of experts, based in our Dublin HQ is ready to offer you a guided demo and inform you on many benefits of using Creme RIFM Aggregate exposure model.


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