USA FCID Food Commodity Intake Database
Food Commodity Intake Database 2005-2010 is a dataset on food consumption of the US population which is a part of What We Eat in America (WWEIA) program

What is Food Commodity Intake Database 2005-2010?
Food Commodity Intake Database 2005-2010 is a source of information on food consumption of the US population which is a part of What We Eat in America (WWEIA) program. The WWEIA program is a dietary interview component of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). The survey is conducted by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Food Commodity Intake Database (FCID) was developed by the U.S. EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) in order to improve the usage of the WWEIA food consumption survey for pesticide dietary exposure assessment. The data is used by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) office of research. The food commodity intakes are expressed as grams of food commodity consumed per day or per kg body weight per day for over 500 different commodities that are derived from more than 7000 different foods and beverages which have been reported in the two surveys. The surveys were conducted on the modality of 24-hour dietary recall. In addition to its direct applications in pesticide dietary exposure assessment, WWEIA-FCID 2005-10 also offers the capability for estimating consumption rates for water and food groups as presented in EPA’s Exposure Factors Handbook. The FCID was developed for use by EPA and other organizations when conducting exposure assessments on an “ingredient” or “food commodity” basis.
Availability in Creme Food and Creme Dietary Intake Intelligence Tool
- Available as a dashboard
- Available in a model
- Update frequency: Five Years
- Countries: United States
- Age Range: 0 - 85 years
- Release date: 2010
Dietary Intake Intelligence Tool
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Datasets available in FCID food consumption database
- USA FCID Food Commodity Intake Database 2005-2010
Related questions about the FCID Food Commodity Intake Database
FCID Consumption Calculator tool:
FCID consumption calculator tool is an online tool to estimate general population exposures to a contaminant that may be present in food. The average exposure to a contaminant present in any food/beverage can be hence determined for different age groups. The drop-down menus in the calculator can be used to choose between the input age groups, type of food and type of contaminant. Filters for specific summary statistics and percentiles can be easily used in the FCID consumption calculator.
More information on how to use this calculator can be found by downloading the manual from the link below:
How do I access the WWEIA 2005-2010?
The datasets from the WWEIA FCID survey can be easily accessed from the official website of FCID. Visit the link below to go to the webpage with the available data:
The webpage of FCID also contains a frequently asked questions page that contains relevant information about the database, its features and usages. Visit the link below to go to the FAQs page:
We have structured and installed the WWEIA raw datasets in our models and have tested and validated them and have produced easy to use visual analytics tools and dashboards. Contact us for more information on these data systems.
How is the Food Commodity Intake Database 2005-2010 used by companies, organizations and institutions?
The FCID was developed for use by EPA and other organizations, including EFH users, when conducting exposure assessments which are most appropriately done on an “ingredient” or “food commodity” basis. WWEIA-FCID 2005-10 is intended to complement the CSFII and NHANES/ WWEIA databases in that it provides estimates of food consumption as commodities as opposed to foods “as eaten”. The Food Commodity Intake Database 2005-2010 data is used to calculate the general population exposures to a contaminant that may be present in a food or drink item. Following are some ways in which companies, food producers and organizations can use the datasets from FCID :
- To import raw data files in .csv format for analysis based on exposure and food-borne risk
- To determine which ingredients are present in a given food or which foods contain a given ingredient to monitor the risk
- To assess the nutritional safety of raw agricultural produce that is used in food industry
- To generate estimates of mean and various percentile consumption values of different food commodities, including water
- To conduct certain chemical and site-specific risk assessments for food consumed by the American population
- In models such as Creme Nutrition, Creme Food Safety or the Creme Dietary Intake Intelligence Tool to gain nutritional or food safety insights