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Recent data from the EC-funded ODIN project on vitamin D [Food-based solutions for Optimal vitamin D Nutrition and health through the life cycle; EC Contract 613977] show that the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Europe, using a threshold for serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) of 30 nmol/L, is 1…
Authors: Pigat S and Kiely M.
Publication date: 29/09/2017
The aim of this study was to assess the dietary exposure of 13 priority additives in four European countries (France, Italy, the UK and Ireland) using the Flavourings, Additives and Contact Materials Exposure Task (FACET) software. The studied additives were benzoates (E210-213), nitrites (E249-250) and sulphites (E220-228), butylated hydroxytoluene…
Authors: Vin K, Connolly A, McCaffrey T, McKevitt A, O’Mahony C, Prieto M, Tennant D, Hearty A, Volatier JL.
Publication date: 04/12/2013
Food consumption data is a key element of EFSA’s risk assessment activities, forming the basis of dietary exposure assessment at the European level. In 2011, EFSA released the Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database, gathering detailed consumption data from 34 national food consumption surveys representing 66,492 individuals from 22 EU…
Authors: O’Mahony Cian, Vilone Giulia
Publication date: 19/04/2013
Uncertainty analysis is an important component of dietary exposure assessments in order to understand correctly the strength and limits of its results. Often, standard screening procedures are applied in a first step which results in conservative estimates. If through those screening procedures a potential exceedance of health-based guidance values…
Authors: Kettler Susanne & Marc Kennedy, Cronan McNamara, Regina Oberdörfer, CianO’Mahony, Jürgen Schnabel, Benjamin Smith, Corinne Sprong, Roland Faludi, DavidTennant
Publication date: 15/04/2015
The FACET tool is a probabilistic model to estimate exposure to chemicals in foodstuffs, originating from flavours, additives and food contact materials. This paper demonstrates the use of the FACET tool to estimate exposure to BPA (bisphenol A) from light metal packaging. For exposure to migrants from food packaging,…
Authors: Oldring PK, Castle L, O’Mahony C, Dixon J.
Publication date: 20/01/2014
Acute dietary intake is one of the factors considered by Member States, the European Commission and international authorities when setting Maximum Residue Leve is (MRL S) for pesticides. The MRL is the maximum concentration of a pesticide residue (expressed as mg/kg that is legally permitted in or on a…
Authors: The EFSA Journal (2007) 538, 1-88
Publication date: 10/08/2007
In order to accurately assess aggregate exposure to a fragrance material in consumers, data are needed on consumer habits and practices, as well as the concentration of the fragrance material in those products. The present study describes the development of Phase 2 Creme RIFM model by expanding the previously…
Authors: Comiskey, Api, Barrett, Ellis, McNamara, O’Mahony, Robison, Rose, Safford, Smith, Tozer
Publication date: 27/05/2017
As part of a joint project between the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and Creme Global, a Monte Carlo model (here named the Creme RIFM model) has been developed to estimate consumer exposure to ingredients in personal care products. Details of the model produced in Phase 1 of…
Authors: Safford B & A.M.Api, C.Barratt, D.Comiskey, G.Ellis, C.McNamara, C.O’Mahony, S.Robison, J.Rose, B.Smith, S.Tozeri
Publication date: 28/02/2017
Access to reliable exposure data is essential for the evaluation of the toxicological safety of ingredients in cosmetic products. This study complements the data set obtained previously (Part 1) and published in 2007 by the European cosmetic industry acting within COLIPA. It provides, in distribution form, exposure data on…
Authors: Hall B, Steiling W, Safford B, Coroama M, Tozer S, Firmani C, McNamara C, Gibney M.
Publication date: 18/11/2010


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