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In order to accurately assess aggregate exposure to a fragrance material in consumers, data are needed on consumer habits and practices, as well as the concentration of the fragrance material in those products. The present study describes the development of Phase 2 Creme RIFM model by expanding the previously…
Authors: Comiskey, Api, Barrett, Ellis, McNamara, O’Mahony, Robison, Rose, Safford, Smith, Tozer
Publication date: 27/05/2017
As part of a joint project between the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and Creme Global, a Monte Carlo model (here named the Creme RIFM model) has been developed to estimate consumer exposure to ingredients in personal care products. Details of the model produced in Phase 1 of…
Authors: Safford B & A.M.Api, C.Barratt, D.Comiskey, G.Ellis, C.McNamara, C.O’Mahony, S.Robison, J.Rose, B.Smith, S.Tozeri
Publication date: 28/02/2017
Exposure of fragrance ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products to the population can be determined by way of a detailed and robust survey. The frequency and combinations of products used at specific times during the day will allow the estimation of aggregate exposure for an individual consumer, and…
Authors: Comiskey D., Api AM2, Barratt C3, Daly EJ1, Ellis G4, McNamara C1, O’Mahony C1, Robison SH5, Safford B6, Smith B7, Tozer S8.
Publication date: 19/05/2015
Background: Ensuring the toxicological safety of fragrance ingredients used in personal care and cosmetic products is essential in product development and design, as well as in the regulatory compliance of the products. This requires an accurate estimation of consumer exposure which, in turn, requires an understanding of consumer habits…
Authors: Safford B., A.M.Api, C.Barratt, D.Comiskey, G.Ellis, E.J. Daly, C.McNamara, C.O’Mahony, S.Robison, B.Smith, S.Tozeri
Publication date: 01/08/2015
This chapter outlines probabilistic methods for assessing population dietary exposure. It discusses and makes recommendations on how to move from deterministic screening-type calculations to higher-tier, more refined calculations using probabilistic methods. The question of how to deal with variability and uncertainty in the exposure scenario input variables is covered….
Authors: Cronan McNamara, Sandrine Pigat
Publication date: 13/10/2022
In 2008, a proposal for assessing the risk of induction of skin sensitization to fragrance materials Quantitative Risk Assessment 1 (QRA1) was published. This was implemented for setting maximum limits for fragrance materials in consumer products….
Authors: Anne Marie Api, David Basketter, James Bridges, Peter Cadby, Graham Ellis, Nicola Gilmour, Helmut Greim, Peter Griem, Petra Kern, Alain Khaiat, John O’Brien, Thomas Rustemeyer, Cindy Ryan, Bob Safford, Benjamin Smith, Matthias Vey, Ian R. White
Publication date: 17/10/2020
Consumer exposure to cosmetic ingredients is estimated in a tiered manner. Simple Tier1 deterministic aggregate exposure modelling generates a worst case estimate of exposure. Tier1 assumes that a consumer uses all cosmetic products concomitantly daily, at maximum frequency, and products always contain the ingredient at the maximum allowed %…
Authors: Sarah Tozer, Camilla Alexander-White, Ripal Amin, Françoise Audebert, Catherine Barratt, John O’Brien, Tim Burke, Dagmar Bury, Hermine Dika Nguea, Myrto Dimopoulou, Sarah Farahmand, Sabrina Fritz, Elisabeth Gerber, Arianna Giusti, William Goodwin, Taryn Kirsch, Victor Oreffo, Cronan McNamara
Publication date: 01/09/2023
Parabens are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid that have been used as preservatives in many types of products for decades including agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics. This illustrative case study with propylparaben (PP) demonstrates a 10-step read-across (RAX) framework in practice. It aims at establishing a proof-of-concept for the value…
Authors: Gladys Ouedraogo a, Camilla Alexander-White b, Dagmar Bury c, Harvey J. Clewell III d, Mark Cronin e, Tom Cull f, Matthew Dent f, Bertrand Desprez g, Ann Detroyer a, Corie Ellison h, Stefania Giammanco i, Eric Hack j, Nicola J. Hewitt k, Gerry Kenna l, Martina Klaric g, Reinhard Kreiling m, Cathy Lester n, Catherine Mahony n, Enrico Mombelli o, Jorge Naciff h, John O’Brien i, Andreas Schepky p, Sarah Tozer n, Bart van der Burg q, Barbara van Vugt-Lussenburg q, Sharon Stuard h, Cosmetics Europe
Publication date: 01/05/2022


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