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In food safety and public health risk evaluations, microbiological exposure assessment plays a central role as it provides an estimation of both the likelihood and the level of the microbial hazard in a specified consumer portion of food and takes microbial behaviour into account. While until now mostly phenotypic…
Authors: W.den Besten Heidy M., Alejandro Amézquita, Sara Bover-Cid, Stéphane Dagnas, Mariem Ellouze, Sandrine Guillou, George Nychas, Cian O’Mahony, Fernando Pérez-Rodriguez, Jeanne-Marie Membré
Publication date: 20/12/2018
The aim of this study was to develop appropriate protocols for flow cytometric (FCM) and 16S rDNA sequencing investigation of the microbiome in a powdered infant formula (PIF) production facility. Twenty swabs were collected from each of the three care zones of a PIF production facility and used for…
Authors: Anvarian Amir H. P., Yu Cao, Shabarinath Srikumar, Séamus Fanning and Kieran Jordan
Publication date: 22/06/2016
Conventional culture-based techniques are largely inadequate in elucidating the microbiota contained in an environment, due to low recovery within a complex bacterial community. This limitation has been mitigated by the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based approaches thereby facilitating the identification and classification of both culturable and uncultivable microorganisms. Amplicon…
Authors: Dechamma Mundanda Muthappa, Sakshi Lamba, Sathesh K. Sivasankaran, Ankita Naithani, Noel Rogers, Shabarinath Srikumar, Guerrino Macori, Amalia G.M. Scannell, and Séamus Fanning
Publication date: 11/07/2022


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