The Future of Packaging is our latest H2020 project: GLOPACK

The next generation of packaging should be eco-efficient in respect to its source, usage benefit and end of life. Packaging should reduce food waste and preserve food quality and safety.

The next generation of packaging should be eco-efficient in respect to its source, usage benefit and end of life. Packaging should reduce food waste and preserve food quality and safety.

The main objectives of the GLOPACK project are to increase the Technology Readiness Levels of packaging solutions in advanced stages of research. Packaging solutions will be presented in a decision support system (software tool) designed to help food producers choose food packaging solutions according to their specific criteria.

The concept of GLOPACK consists in setting up a unique user-driven strategy, involving all stakeholders, including consumers. The strategy aims to fit packaging to food requirements and market complexity by:

  1. Developing a decision-supporting tool. This tool will present eco-innovative packaging alternatives to all end-users as viable options when the user’s criteria is met.
  2. Demonstrate this user-driven approach on three complementary and Synergistic Key Unlocking technologies: active, intelligent and bio-circular packaging. Consideration will be taken with regard to market sector specificities and barriers.

Creme Global is the technical and scientific partner for GLOPACK and in that capacity Creme Global will make food packaging related datasets, models and decision support tools available on our Expert Models platform. These elements will be combined in a user-friendly way to make a comprehensive, holistic decision support system.

Creme Global has extensive experience partnering on EU FP and H2020 projects and is open to engaging in innovative project proposals where our scientific and data science technology expertise can add value.

You can follow GLOPACK from the twitter page here.

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